History of creation

The history of the creation and activity of the Yagotinsky Mechanical Plant.

The idea of ​​creating the Yagotinsky experimental-mechanical plant and its functioning as part of the All-Union Scientific and Production Association “Sahar” belonged to Nikolai Vasilievich Heise, the director of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Sugar Industry.
Nikolai Vasilievich was born on August 9, 1908 in a large family in the city of Smila in the Cherkassy region. After graduation I went to study at the Smelyansky Professional School of Sugar Industry. Since then, all his many years of activity has been associated with the sugar industry. After graduating from the Kiev Institute of Food Industry in 1933, he worked in sugar factories as a shift supervisor, chief technologist, deputy chief engineer and chief engineer.
During the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai Vasilievich Heise took an active part in the creation of the sugar industry in Central Asia, worked as the chief engineer of the Yangi-Yuls sugar plant in Uzbekistan, and later took part in the design and construction of a sugar factory in Kyrgyzstan.
After the liberation of Ukraine from the German invaders, in November 1943, the People’s Commissariat of the Food Industry of the USSR, Heise M.V. was recalled from Central Asia to Ukraine to work on the restoration of sugar refineries of the liberated regions of Ukraine. In this area of ​​his activity, he used his great experience as a highly skilled production specialist in the sugar industry, a designer and a builder in the post-war development and technical re-equipment of the Ukrainian sugar industry. Without exaggeration, we can say that there was not a single sugar plant in Ukraine, in reconstruction or construction, he would not have taken part. He himself went to the machine-building plants of Belgium for a careful selection of the first imported diffusion apparatus for sugar plants in Ukraine.
In this area, he passed the glorious path from the replacement chemist of the sugar refinery to the chief engineer Ukrgolovtsukr, the head of the chief department of the food and sugar industry to UkrRadnarkom. Then he was appointed director of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the sugar industry. The institute itself was subordinated to the Main Administration of the State Food Industry of the USSR in Moscow. With the aim of developing and rapidly introducing new types of equipment into the sugar industry of the Soviet Union and into production at the plants, the improvement of technological processes by the decision of the CPSU Central Committee on the basis of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Sugar Industry was created by the Sakhar, Institute, Smelyanskoye Design Bureau, Yagotinsky Experimental Mechanical Plant, Yagotinsky Experimental Sugar Plant and Sugar Plant. Ilyich. The post of director general of the NGO “Sahar” was occupied by MV Khayze.
Yagotinsky Mechanical Plant was established in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR from 01.04.1971 on the basis of the workshops of the Yagotinsky sugar factory. For the construction of a mechanical plant, special financing was provided from Moscow, which allowed the construction and commissioning of the plant in a short time. The main task of the newly established enterprise was the manufacture of experimental and prototypes of equipment and units commissioned by departments and laboratories of VNIISP, as well as the production of pilot batches and small series of equipment for sugar factories. At the time, 50 workers worked at the enterprise.
Over the years from the establishment of the plant, the Yagotinsky Mechanical Plant together with the Yagotinsky Experimental Sugar Plant carried out the production of experimental batches and small series of equipment and installations by orders of sugar factories that planned the reconstruction of their enterprises. In this process, the material and technical base of the experimental mechanical plant, the innovative solutions of the employees of the design bureau of the mechanical plant, the research departments of the institute, the labor of highly skilled workers were used, which made it possible to obtain new samples of equipment. The equipment underwent production tests at the facilities of the experimental sugar plant. Based on the results of pilot industrial implementation, technical documentation was adjusted, after which the equipment was supplied to operating sugar mills to ensure the production performance performance at the request of customers.
In the early 90-ies of the last century, there were historical changes in the country associated with the collapse of the Soviet Union, did not pass without a trace in relation to the Yagotinsky Mechanical Plant. In Ukraine at that time there were 192 sugar refineries and refineries that could provide about 5-7 million tons of white sugar. Traditional markets for finished products were lost. Ukraine should switch to output of finished products only for own consumption, and this was only 1,800,000. Sugar factories began to mass close up. Restructuring and diversification of enterprises in the industry were not conducted. Scheduled reconstruction of sugar refineries, which remained, was not carried out, there were no orders for new types of equipment.
The factories, remained and went for reconstruction, required new samples of equipment, more technological, highly efficient, energy-saving and for higher productivity for beet processing and the like.
On the crest of these global changes, for the further development of the plant, the management of the enterprise made a key decision – to switch from leasing activity to a joint-stock ownership form. This form of ownership of the plant at that time prompted the company LLC FIRM “TMA” to purchase the company’s shares and invest in the development of this plant.
It should be noted that FIRM “TMA” LLC, which has its own design office, already had experience of reconstruction of sugar factories in Ukraine and other CIS countries and had its own development of new equipment samples. Due to the expansion of the list of types of equipment, the increase in the number of orders, the plant was able to stay among the list of operating enterprises. Thanks to the support and regular investment of FIRM “TMA”, for almost 20 years the plant had the opportunity to develop.
With the purpose of retaining the leading positions in the machine building market for sugar and other branches of the food industry and reducing the cost of equipment, after the professional inspection of the Yagotinsky Mechanical Plant performed by a specialized organization, the shareholder – FIRMA LLC TMA decided to unite. As a result, from July 1, 2017, the Yagotinsky Mechanical Plant became the production unit of the limited liability company FIRMA “TMA”.
In 2018, the number of employees at the plant is 120 people. In connection with the increase in production volumes and the large consumer demand for the company’s products, management made a decision to modernize production facilities to achieve maximum quality results with minimal manufacturing costs.
The Yagotinsky Mechanical Plant sees its strategy in reliable, effective and high-quality supply of partners with its products, equipment and spare parts in the shortest possible time.
The plant has the opportunity to produce modern samples of equipment for equipping sugar enterprises with a production capacity of up to 10,000 tons of beet processing, in particular:
• equipment for equipping the supply tracts and washing complexes (stone collectors, straw catchers, washers, water separators, finish-wash sinks, etc.) for a production capacity from 3 to 10,000 tons of beet processing per day
• Equipment for diffuse compartments (defoamers, elements of the transport system, wheel drawing, etc.);
• equipment for defecasative purification stations of diffusion juice (progressive previous defecators, mechanical mixers, defecator for cold and hot processes, saturators for I and II saturation, maturing, collectors, equipment for removing sand from the process, etc.);
• Equipment for filtering juices, syrup and mucilage filtration area from 90 to 170 m2;
• Equipment for food departments (vacuum devices with a capacity from 30 to 90 tons, mixers-crystallizers for 150, 225 and 300 tons, decontamination distributors, clay mixers, white sugar screws, non-standard equipment;
• Sediment tanks for conveyor-washing water, mixers, illuminators;
• Spare parts for capital and current repair of equipment of sugar factories, agricultural machinery and the like.